


Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement to indicate that we will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. You may purchase and activate the one-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support. One-Year Support Last Day Order represents the final day to purchase a one-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall Partners.


The duration of ARM is two years beginning one day after the end of Last Day Order. Support is available throughout ARM for products with an active support contract. During this time, we may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firmware available on the device. Support contracts for products in this phase will continue to be available. LDO is informational only and products in this phase are active and continue to sell support contracts.Īctive Retirement Mode (ARM) is an announcement that we are no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Last Day Order (LDO) is advanced notification that we intend to start the end of life process. SonicWall products have five post-release phases:
